Below is an announcement of the appointment of Fr Michael McCaffrey FSSP to Adelaide:
October 12, 2008
To the lay faithful of the Latin Mass Community in the Archdiocese of Adelaide.
I am pleased to announce to you that negotiations with the Fraternity of St Peter have now resulted in Father Michael McCaffrey being appointed your Chaplain as of November 4th this year.
I am delighted that the Fraternity of St Peter has made this commitment to Adelaide and I am most grateful to Father John Berg, Superior General of the Fraternity of St Peter for appointing Father McCaffrey to Adelaide.
I wish to thank very sincerely Father David Thoroughgood who has been your chaplain for some years and who has carried out his role with a great sense of loving service to you all.
Father Thoroughgood leaves the position of Chaplain and will now be appointed to a hospital chaplaincy role with the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Father Thoroughgood will continue to say the Latin Mass in other locations in the Archdiocese according to the terms of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum.
I am sure that the Latin Mass Community will join with me in thanking Father Thoroughgood for his service, and in welcoming Father McCaffrey as he takes up his new and important role. Father McCaffrey will reside at the Archbishop’s House West Terrace Adelaide.
With my continuing support for the Latin Mass community.
Yours sincerely,
Philip Wilson DD JCL
Archbishop of Adelaide